3 Mistakes First Time Moms Make When Preparing for Birth

(+ What To Do Instead)


For pregnant women who want to prepare for their first hospital birth...without getting overwhelmed. 


  • The top 3 mistakes most first-time moms make when preparing for birth and WHY it could cost you a positive birth experience
  • The secret to transitioning into motherhood...Like. A. Boss!
  • My 3-step framework for creating a stress-free birth plan without getting overwhelmed.

Plus, I'll send you the training workbook for FREE! 

Everyone who registers also gets the downloadable PDF workbook so you can follow along and fill-in-the-blanks as you go!




A Mom of two. Founder of Birth Prep Academy and the Creator of Bump To Bundle Blueprint® 

After years of working with pregnant moms, I’m far too familiar with the mistakes first-time moms make.

I can’t wait to teach you my proven-to-work birth prep strategy so you can go from feeling overwhelmed and anxious about birth to being confident and excited to meet your sweet baby.

Since cracking the code to birthing success, I've not only helped my new moms learn about the childbirth process and how to start breastfeeding right from birth...but I also help first time moms go from novice to PRO by being prepared for birth! 

If you're pregnant, you owe it to yourself (and your baby) to take the plunge and start preparing for your birth.

Take real, tangible steps to transform the life of you and your baby starting now.


Lauren J.

I'm blown away at how great this training is. I didn't expect to want to watch it all the way through. Great information! Thanks!

Kyra S.

I'm really shocked by this masterclass how valuable and packed full of information it is. Thanks for all your effort, and time.

Shalae C.

I've learned so much today! This is the best FREE training I've watched. Thank you Stephanie, for being so generous, you gave me so much clarity!